Online Statistics
The following website statistics were collected in part through Google Analytics on January 3, 2025, covering the preceding year to date (January 3, 2024 to January 3, 2025).
As of January 3, 2025, the WWPN website lists the following:
27 cities with poetry reading series
73 different readings
11 Zoom events
11 cities with 21 critique groups
96 poetry resource links:
Poets Laureate 16
Conferences, Festivals, and Retreats 13
Poetry Presses 35
Poetry Journals 20
Other Resources 13
In the last year, WWPN had the following:
2,391 unique active users
13,810 views (37.7 per day) = 5.8 views per user
36,890 “events” (100.8 per day) (events are defined as any visit to a page or action on a page, such as clicking a link)
Highest weekly views was mid Jan 2024: 651 views
Highest weekly users was mid Jan 2024: 93 unique users
Lowest weekly users was Christmas week 2024: 25 users (and not one person visited on Christmas Day)
Average engagement time (per active user): 3:12
Most average times spent on the Seattle page (2:46) and the By-Day page (2:08)
Most viewed pages
Home 5,707
Seattle 1,562
By Day 1,451
Critique 716
Everett 357
Site visitors
Nearly all visitors from the United States, but also these countries:
China 9
Canada 6
Germany 4
Japan 3
Philippines 3
2 each from: Argentina, Russia, Ukraine
1 each from: Belize, Benin, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Poland, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Vietnam
Access (by number of views)
Organic search 2,576 50.5%
Direct link 1,554 30.5%
Social media 905 17.7%
Referral 34 0.7%
Other 34 0.7%
Browser (by number of unique users)
Chrome 1,263 53.0%
Safari 642 27.0%
Safari (in-app) 172 7.2%
Edge 137 5.8%
Firefox 90 3.8%
Android Webview 62 2.6%
Samsung Internet 15 0.6%
Desktop 58.6%
Mobile 39.8%
Tablet 1.5%
Facebook Stats
(covering January 7, 2024 to January 6, 2025)
862 Facebook members (two-thirds are women)
Most popular day is Monday
Most popular times are 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
Age 65+ 38%
55–64 18%
45–54 18%
35–44 14%
25–34 10%
18–24 2%
1,464 total posts or 122 posts per month
1,381 comments or 115 comments per month
11,815 reactions or 985 reactions per month
48,303 views or 4,025 views/month