Online Statistics

The following website statistics were collected in part through Google Analytics on January 3, 2025, covering the preceding year to date (January 3, 2024 to January 3, 2025).


As of January 3, 2025, the WWPN website lists the following:

Poets Laureate 16

Conferences, Festivals, and Retreats 13

Poetry Presses 35

Poetry Journals 20

Other Resources 13


In the last year, WWPN had the following:


Most viewed pages

Home 5,707

Seattle 1,562

By Day 1,451

Critique 716

Everett 357


Site visitors

Nearly all visitors from the United States, but also these countries:

China 9

Canada 6

Germany 4

Japan 3

Philippines 3

2 each from: Argentina, Russia, Ukraine

1 each from: Belize, Benin, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Poland, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Vietnam


Access (by number of views)

Organic search 2,576 50.5%

Direct link 1,554 30.5%

Social media 905 17.7%

Referral 34 0.7%

Other 34 0.7%


Browser (by number of unique users)

Chrome 1,263 53.0%

Safari 642 27.0%

Safari (in-app) 172 7.2%

Edge 137 5.8%

Firefox 90 3.8%

Android Webview 62 2.6%

Samsung Internet 15 0.6%



Desktop 58.6%

Mobile 39.8%

Tablet 1.5%

Facebook Stats

(covering January 7, 2024 to January 6, 2025)

Age 65+ 38%

55–64 18%

45–54 18%

35–44 14%

2534 10%

1824 2%